Friday, August 13, 2010

Good Bloggers Must Blog

I think I tried to get too many things started all at one time.  I want to have a blog but here it is August 13th and this is my first post in August.  That is pretty sad.  I spend so much of my time following other blogs that I don't do anything with mine.  I am intimidated.  Most of the blogs I read are well established and have great things going on.  I know they didn't start that way.  I know if I am dedicated, and stick to my plan, my blog can be just as successful. Today I was looking at a blog that just posted a really cute party.  As I was looking at it I thought, oh I have that.  Oh she got those at Target, I have those too.  The truth is sometimes the simplest things make the biggest impact.  I never have been one to want fancy things.  I don't need crystal goblets and sterling silver candlesticks.  That isn't me.  I am more of a "wildflowers in a mason jar" type girl.  What is more beautiful than the simple things?  I have had some really cute parties.  My parties have always been on a budget and have turned out wonderful.  Why am I trying to compare myself to others?  I don't want to be anybody else.  I want to be me.  I noticed another thing about the bloggers I follow.  Most of them are pretty crafty ladies that make beautiful things out of simple inexpensive items.  They give you tips on how to make it yourself and how to save money.  Some of these blogs sell party items but they still give you advice on how to make the same items yourself.  They offer "freebies" on their sites.  These are my kind of ladies.  Good moms that have good ideas and want to share their good ideas with others.  Another thing I noticed,  a lot of these ladies say how they really love Martha Stewart.  She is their inspiration.  Well I don't have anything against Martha.  I love looking at her stuff.  I just don't have any desire to be like Martha or make most of her things.  Sure her things are beautiful and in many cases magical.  I just can't be like Martha because I don't have the time and patience to make most of her crafts or recipes.  It is all too perfect.  I am not perfect and I am not a big fan of perfect.  I am just too happy with the things I can make with a tin can and twine.

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